
How To Design Instagram Graphics That Stand Out?

Instagram has become quite an effective marketing tool as it allows businesses and individuals to share engaging content with their followers. 

That’s the reason why it is important now for all to design Instagram graphics uniquely and stand out. 

Creating unique graphics can help you stand out on Instagram. You can even buy Instagram followers who are genuine and help your profile get ahead in the competition. 

In this guide, we will help you create and design compelling Instagram graphics that capture your audience’s attention. Let’s understand how to prepare your graphics correctly and stand out in a busy Instagram feed. 

Steps To Design Instagram Graphics That Stand Out

The following steps provide the best way to design quality and catchy Instagram graphics that will help you capture your audience’s attention in seconds. Have a look:

  • Step 1: Tailor Your Graphic Dimensions And Quality

When designing graphics for Instagram, it is crucial to create images in the ideal aspect ratio and the highest possible resolution for that platform. 

If the ratio format is not correct, the viewers might not get the right appearance of the image. So, use the right dimensions to ensure your designs don’t look distorted or stretched. 

When you tailor your graphics dimensions and quality specifically for Instagram, it helps them look their best and avoids potential formatting issues. 

This initial consideration sets the stage for an aesthetically pleasing visual that fully captivates attention on the feed.

  • Step 2: Create Inclusive Designs 

Another important practice to create graphics designs that stand out is to make the graphics easy to understand for all audiences. 

For this, you need to make sure that the text used in your design is highly legible in a clear font at a sufficient size. It must maintain high color contrast ratios for improved readability. 

While doing so, you need to keep visual impairments in mind as well. This improves wider community engagement and welcomes more diverse perspectives as you connect with all types of audiences through your graphics. 

  • Step 3: Utilize Professional Photography To Create Graphics

The next step you need to work on is using the right attributes for your graphics like featuring authentic human subjects and using realistic scenes in your designs.

These aspects create a sense of trust and authority and also improve the credibility of the graphics. 

So, make sure that you invest in quality vectors that not only enhance the appeal of your design but also boost engagement among your audience. 

  • Step 4: Establish A Clear Focal Point

The next step to creating great designs is to establish a clear focus on a single captivating element within the graphic frame. This allows for easy reading and understanding of the audience. 

To do so, you need to organize content with a clear hierarchy that helps keep viewers engaged through a natural visual flow. 

You also need to ensure that the elements such as illustrations, portraits or logo are placed expertly for more attention. 

  • Step 5: Maintain Consistency With Your Brand Guidelines

Having set brand guidelines for your brand’s visuals on Instagram will build trust with your audiences and make it easy for them to differentiate your brand presence from others. 

Ensure your brand guidelines are followed uniformly. Doing so not only helps you connect with the audience quicker but also promotes instant brand recognition. 

Using consistent fonts, color palettes, graphic motifs, and layout conventions fosters familiarity and ease of identification across all visual content. 

  • Step 6: Use Visual Storytelling Techniques

Storytelling is another aspect that you must work on to enhance your graphic work. Consider how graphics can tell stories that resonate with your audience. 

Techniques like showcasing a sequence of events over multiple carousels or utilizing illustrated elements help immerse viewers in a narrative. 

Using visual storytelling also engages audiences on a deeper level by eliciting emotions and creating memorable impressions that boost loyalty over time.

  • Step 7: Draw Inspiration from Other Creative Works

Several brands today are working exceptionally well in graphic design. You can learn from them and use their ideas and insights to strike a connection with your audience.  

All you have to do is analyze the graphics of different companies of your own industries and then work on a similar line. 

In fact, you can get assistance from agencies who can guide you and make it easy to design it right hassle-free without copying anyone. 

Final Thoughts

Crafting visuals that suit the Instagram user interface and scrolling experience will help you create graphics that gain attention and communicate well with your audience. 

Add the right fonts, pay attention to colors and graphics quality when creating your graphic designs, and focus more on creating a focal point.

Use these steps and start creating your Instagram graphics with a new perspective. If you have been creating compelling graphics and still not gaining any engagement on them, explore the services at to grow on Instagram. 

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